Max came running into our bedroom yesterday. It was 6am and still dark outside. He squealed with joy - "Mommy I had a dream!" Now for the past three years he has told me when he has a dream, but whenever I inquired he never could remember any details of his nocturnal journey. Yesterday was different. Some psychic shift must have occured because he couldn't wait to tell me that "Daddy was a fireman and he let me do the water on the fire. I came running inside and Nani and Popi and Uncle Ryan were all there. I told them to "Come! Come!" This was my son's first conscious dream. I am not surprised that even in his dreams his dad is the hero wrestling with the elemental forces of nature: fire and water.
This early morning conversation has me
wondering why we first remember our dreams. And what does it mean? Is it a shift into consciousness about our deeper selves? Or do we begin to remember only because we have started to forget about who we are. Our dreams are then the thread by which we make our way back to ourselves.

Does Max realize that he is the hero of his dream? And if he doesn't, how will I help him to know it?
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