Thursday, March 26, 2009

taking care of the mamaself

During a recent trip my mom stayed at our house. She commented on how good the house smelled - the soaps, candles and even cleaners I use. I admit essential oil soaps and candles have been a splurge pleasure of mine for some time. Its a small luxury that makes a big difference. When I visit my dear friends' home at Common Place Farm, I always wish that I can drop out and start homesteading on their land. Not an option yet, but I can bring the farm home with me in little ways. What the soaps provide is a daily meditaiton to slow down, be attentive to the moment, and grateful for the luxury of warm water and earthy aromas. Here are two of my favorite soapmakers - Beekman's C.O.P.A. Soaps and Indigo Wild. Enjoy.

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